
Why would he do this to me

How could he do this to me

Did he really care?

I took the dare and gave him my all.

My hart my love and so much more

When I got the call my hart broke,

Did he mean what he said or wuz it just a joke.

Did he know I really loved him?

Did he know what I felt?

When he touch me my heart would melt.

The night I got the call,

My hart broke and all.

What he said did he mean?

No he wus just a Fein!

He took my hart and my friends hart too.

I thought he loved me,

But it turned out a joke.

As I lay in my bed I start to choke on my tears.

How could the one I love do this to me?

The one I told everything my hopes and fears.

Did he even love me?

Did he even care?

Why didn’t I see,

What he wus doing to me?

When I finely realized

It was too late.

My hart is broken.

And now I sit here and cry,

And think why oh why?

Written by Aileen m. Portoles

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