so many ways

So many ways for me to say what is on my mind

I could simply say I care for you and want to be w/ u for all time

I could explain how every minute I miss and think of u

Maybe I should just say how I feel for you

And how my feelings r true

Should I say how you’re different

And how u make me feel so great

Or that if u were to leave me how bad my hart would brake

How when you’re not w/ me I just plod around

Or how together were bound

Or how being w/ u just feels so right

What about that pungent feeling I get when we fight

Butt in the end I no u care

And that’s all I need to survive

How about I cut to the chase and say the words that aren’t often said

That I love u

And a day w/ out u r the days I dread

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