I Found You

I found you, after years of waiting, watching, searching...I found you.

When you smile its like a drug that I can't fathom living without, my hear shatters and a thousand screams of nothing but pure love erupt in the center of my chest.

When you look at me its like your eyes are magnetic, I could fall to my knees, so weak compared to the hot blood rushing through my veins.

When you speak its like silk pouring from your throat, and no one else in the world exists, and I don't seem to mind because you are all I want, hell, you are all I need.

But in the midst of all of this, I get hit.

Hit with the heart wrenching, kick in the stomach, cold, hard, kind of truth.

I found you, but you found her.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Currently the pain I am suffering.

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