I lie exposed
The blinding light searing my eyelids closed
Naked but for the blood entrenching my body
And entombed in a white hot abyss
I had thought to seek understanding
In nature's gentleness
But my torture isn't such
Surely no less than man could've relayed this horror
Or the maker of man-
Where does our allegiance lie?
My fever is high and my suffering great
I seem to easily distract
Yet I would like once more
To see the night sky
And watch the stars shine down their warnings
Or to again set my sorry gaze
Upon those who own my heart
And never need ask my allegiance
It is here in this world between worlds
With broken body and dying spirit
I find the comprehension foolishly saught
And I know the dark is ours as much as the unmerciful light
As for the disease of mankind-
I need only look to those who matter
To redeem and know that good may be our victory