Fall From Grace/ The Awakening

Fall From Grace

Atop her gleaming pedastel

Looking down upon her followers

From her golden perch

Sits the revered

She knows she is not what they see

They see a champion, a warrior

A certainty, someone whom

Upon her thrown of wisdom

Cannot falter

They see her beauty and her virtues

Yet they see nothing of her faults

All of which she displays deliberatly day after day

But their illusion is so great

That they are either overlooked or worshiped

She knows they need her

They need the immovable certainty

Thats seems cemented into her very skin

So she denies her quest for knowledge, for understanding

Because to falter now

Would bring about their hatred

The more they love her and gaze upon her, perfection in their eyes

The more horrendous the end will be

To show her weakness would be to condemn

Not just herself but those who love her

What is happiness and individuality when the whole

Stands over an endless abyss

She made her decision long ago

That her own desires and goals

Had to be sacrificed, She had to be sacrificed

To the greater whole

Teaching works by example

To the pupil the teacher has to be unfailingly correct

But once in a moment of sheer agony and want

She slipped

From her ever taller tower

From its growingly perilous ledge

Wanting to fly, to expand, to be more

But she hadn't stretched her wings

And so they were weak and met the unbending will of gravity

With a sad attempt at defense she scrambled back towards safety

A safety she could not reach

Because her tower had grown without her

And the people see only its peak piercing the clouds

Mistaking her thrown for her

And her journey back to Earth though short

Brings about the knowledge she has always coveted

Now our champion lies defeated

By her own hand

With a smile on her face

And wings that could face the wrath of god

The Awakening

Flocking around the crippled form of their fallen god

The people, in expected anger

See only now the faults

Her legs have been mangled by the fall

Her hair isn't the pure blonde they had seen from below

Nor her eyes as dark or light as they imagined

And she is not a giant, not seven feet tall

Not carved from Ivory or Steele

She is nowhere near what they remembered

Before they had started her ascent

Nevermind the smile, so true, so perfect

They see that it shines from lips as pink as their own

Not the natural ruby they'd envisioned

They are blind to the massive wings

As white as freashly fallen snow

And tough enough to brave the fall to Earth

Only her once perfect legs

Now absurdly angled, catch their vision

Their god and everything they stood for was a lie

And that is the only certainty she, once beloved, now provokes

They turn on her, on each other, on themselves

Their very being has been stolen, now what is left

The once bright world of the people has darkened

The sun has been blocked out

By the towering pedastel

Now unchecked in its size, unguarded

And unworthy of its place

In its shadow cower the embittered masses

And the goddess champion awakes

Into a tomb of darkness

Made by her prison home

No longer feeling the warmth of the sun upon her face

She see's those who once loved her

And those whom she has always loved

Fighting each other, killing and dying

Retreating from all and huddling at the base of her tower

For protection, mercy or death

She see's the pain, the confusion, the chaos

And she knows they need her

She has passed her test

And gained the insight she desired

She arose from the sullen Earth

The power of her new wings astounding her

And she saw the imprint she left behind

In the otherwise unmarred soil

And in the imprint she saw not only her flaws as she had before

But the beauty of her fall

As she continued rising

Far above the tumultous battle

She eminated a light that equaled the radience of the sun

And the people below would tell for generations

How the plain beaten girl lying on the ground

Became the goddess they always swore she was

Her lips such a pale pink were the match of a rare red jewel

And her frame so defeated became that worthy of a champoin

Her hair glowed golden, a halo for her determined face

The reality of her more breathtaking then ever their imaginings

Such was her beauty, her grace, her presance

That the fighting ceased immediatly

And she reborn, retook her post.

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