Awake While We Dream

Where in this world does a poet belong? 
In the coursing recesses of his brain, 
Living within the mixed pond waters of emotion and fantasy. 

His vivid and shallow words leave one to wonder if there is anything more. 
What is this beauty woven within this curtain of hate, 
Where this dream meets reality 
He is the present, and the past, as well the future. 
Omitted and shunned by society. 
His words left to be dissected and forgotten. 

For maybe, there was some truth within his fantasies; 
Where earth meets the sky, 
Where the oceans embrace the continents, 
Where true love meets the eye. 
A dreamer, dreaming of awakening, 
Where does he lie?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written in the middle of the night as a text message originally. This is one of my favourite poems.