Will Be Fine

"Happy to see you" conversations are coated with the deepest of sympathies.

Kindness is passed around like popcorn at a baseball game.

They feel nice and are fulfilling for the moment but when you get home you still hunger for something else.

Sleeping, or the lack there of, is not the same anymore.

You gave up on it when the alarm clock slept more than you did.

The white of your eyes are turning a beautiful shade of red, you think sarcasstically. And that mauve color beloow them match the drapes.

People say you are paranoid because you swear the sun is always following you.

What they don't know is a secret you will never tell.

That you do not mind it. You think it is nice to have something to talk to in the morning.

A warm hand caressing yours, long, slender fingers rubbing the stress from your shoulders almost makes you sob for the touch.

But when they pull you to them, you shake your head and smile. Gentlely shoving them away.

You don't have the energy to trust someone right now.

Tonight you will lay in bed and watch the stars fade into the dawn and wonder....

Why can't you be that lucky.

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