
Sacred night, stained by the soot from chard floors.

                 It was a beautiful fire.

The lovers bound together by a piece of tarnished twine,

lay nestled under a tweed blanket, that doubled as a rug.

Red wine still dripped from to cracked glasses that were knocked over by bare feet,

    during the time of the moon.


Honey eyes, tinted violet by the dawn, blink awake to stare into the ocean waves that were her desire's eyes.

The crashing of the water on the shore was her true loves heart beat again her own.

       And for the first time she noticed how the freckles danced across her beloved's face.

She wrapped her arms around the body next to her and pulled it close to her chest.

"This is our first Good Morning" She whispered. The women beside her turned her head and smiled.

"I would rather spend an eternity sitting on your window sill watching you sleep, and be jealous of the moon because it would be able to kiss your face, then to go on with life not knowing for myself, exactly how sweet you taste."

She watched as the salt water filled her wife's waves. Leaning down she placed rubies on a pale pink pillow and took a small nibble of flesh with her tongue.

  "This must be what love tastes like."

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