Fun And Games

Childish games travel from the play ground to my home.

  I miss the days when friendship didn't come with repercussions.

Creaking of the lonely Mary-go-round and the rattling chains of the un kept swings,

insures you that friends have now become rivals.

A new game has begun.

The instructions are voiced by Selfish and your only tool is  anger.

The winner of the court yard wars, receives the title of dominate.

They will become the bully, stealing lunch money and strategically placing gum in a younger child's hair.

It will end as a he said/she said battle between wrong and wrong.

Best friends will bump shoulders inside high school walls still caring old grudges,

weighing themselves down.

The loser with inflamed eyes and a saline stained face will walk the streets,

bitter and alone.

All because they decided to be opinionated.

  " What ever happened Doge Ball?"

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