

The Mother bares the son , who beats his wife, who hurt daughter, who is on her own after 18 years of suffering.

A broken home leads to nothing but a broken heart.

And a Broken heart leads to a tiered spirt.

A child-like 20 year old woman worships the pipe and needle that gives her what she so desperately  needed from her parents.

Acceptance, Love and peace.

The needle talks to her, it speaks to her in ways she can only comprehend when she is on all fours crawling towards her heroin, praying for another fix.

Her God can only be heard by her and only when it chooses to be heard.

And when the day comes when  blood stained steal prods itself into her flesh, her God defies her and infects her cocaine laced blood with with a disease known to you and me as HIV and she is dead before 25.


The mother stands at her granddaughters bed reaching a hand out to touch her cheek to see If she is there. No response, just skin, skin so fare. Cold pale and blue. A Now Grandmother knew her grandchild  was never really there. Because of the son, the son she had bared.

And  She wished she would have had an abortion.


  Mothers suffer the worst pain to bring us into this world.

They DO deserve respect.

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