Just round the corner
Onto the next lane
Sloping wards,down
Thoughtful,I thought
I count,counter a number
People do pass
Seem thoughtful,too
They too,seem
Having a story of their own
One or two,a numerous
A similar story,like mine
Across the street,this person
So sad,but not remorseful
Down-looking,a guilt-conscious
Gives way to all,particularly not all
Avoids second glances
So incognito,I realise
To a few,his eyes tell it all
"My Story"
This is my story
His face,too cold
Lost to the thoughts
Talking to himself
"H..ar...dy,tim.e..s,..go by,"incoherently
Quite unhopefully
Indeed,its my story
Walk up to him
Touch his shoulder,but turns no back
"Live through it,friend"
Walks on
How I see him no more....
Looking for him,I
Remember my disastrous relationship,
Then the financial crisis
How about the halt to status?
The colour I wear,another stopage
I stop, look through the glass window
All smiles inside
Downs on me,there,all alone
I give up the chase
This I decide,to go back and catch up
An untold story
To retell the story sometime after
This is my story;
(Once upon a time,.......)