Raining Dreams

The Romantic Bard

I dreamt of you last night...

saw old winds dancing pirouette

on restless ocean waves,

as if they too heard the

echoes of your words

fall as dust to my memory.

"If ever I leave, know that

I'll always love you."

I thought about the storms...

about how thunderous hoofbeats

are a symphony to my ears -

prelude to an ivory crackled sky

and a restless welcome rain.

I thought about friendship...

the gentle persuasion of your smile

and how a subtle word or silence

bears the same gentle comfort

well beyond the longest forever.

and, then your words...

"If ever I leave, know that

I'll always love you."

sometimes we wish

for dreams to come true

and, sometimes

it's just nice to have them

for a little while longer.

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