Blue No More

Tis Of Thee

they packed heartache momentos

in their quiet box of shadows

safe from the angry drone of

hateful voices and mortar shells.

a daily ritual it seemed in these

days of screaming bullets

and flashfire skies.

it wasn't always like this.

I used to stand on this very rooftop

and count the stars in deep blue sky

meshed like sparkling diamonds against

a frilly cobalt backdrop...

and I would watch the twins chase Sagittarius

while the sky opened up a whole new

world of wonder to me...

a beautiful season of wonder...

that was before this war began,

before the senseless fighting took

away the peaceful escape of my

rooftop menagerie...

before I learned what it feels like

to hate, to fear, and to

paint peaceful moonlit skies

with grays and reds and oranges

for the dust and fire and death

of the bombs bursting...

and the sagittarians and the twins

don't play here anymore....

seems war changes everything...

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