Beast Within

My civil duty to fill...

running with the higher plains people

playing the game of kings and queens

and waiting for the cue to breathe.

I am my own demise...

feeding the beast who feeds on me

hideous and savage, devouring

the inner peace that longs to be.

Voice spewing madness...

claiming my sanity and my world

he dines on my own best intentions

and craves the world to be his own.

Robbing me blind...

and the more I try to conquer this foe

the more it gnashes and tears and gnaws

at me from the inside looking out.

Laughing hysterically...

as my world crumbles from the pressure

from the rupture of my heart

and the convulsion of my soul.

Until it burrows...

into the cavities of my mind

slicing my words and expressions

into plasma soaked lifeless nouns.

Still muttering madness...

beneath the darkest silent night

and damning me to a deeper hell.

Stones break bones...

and words hurled in anger fester

and grow sickening and grotesque

making beautiful coagulate into death.

and death into the miserable beast within

who refuses to die.

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