Happiness had found me. She had kept me company for longer than ever before.
I truly enjoyed you, Happiness. May I ask where exactly it is you're going? Have I done something to offend you?
Your brother, otherwise known as Gloom, is beginning to encase me. Should I invite him in? Or let him find his own way?
I feel his grasp on my heart. I also feel you tugging away at his fingers. Are you strong enough?
Your will is weakening. Show me I deserve you. God knows I need you, dear.
I sit fridgidly while enduring the brawl.
Oh, please Happiness, fight on. Stuggle as I've struggled. You're fading and he knows! He's cackling; tickled by your puny attempts.
Goodbye Happiness. Your companionship served me well. I'm sorry my soul wasn't pure enough to hold you.