Deep in thought

just thoughts

All the days I've been away I've been wondering, thinkin and just unsure of my pain, Now the days till i leave edge closer and I'm not sure what to do, my plain leaves the 2nd and still I dont know if this is a good idea or if this will be the biggest mistake of my life, i only wish i could see the future to know I'm write... That be leaving is truly best for me and everyone around me......One day I'l make them proud do something amazing with my life... Do everything i ever dreamed of and be so in love with one man that it will help me turn around my life and make the right decisions, the ones i am unsure of now. But i wont be one day, everything i do will be completely thought threw to the last lil detail. Part of me wishs i had a kid somedays, just so i would have something amazing in my life. someone for me to care for everyday and so easily, though i know I'm not near ready for that yet but one day i will be, I just thought i would be so much further in my life now than i am, yet I'm bound to do grade 10 for the third time. and i just cant handle going back though i may try just to make them so proud of me..

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