It's time to do a fresh start, wipe the slate clean
Keeping only the good, letting go of the pain
This year I'll be braver, be only my true self
Stop caring what others may think
If they don't like me, I'll do without
I need to be stronger in so many ways
But most of all I need to be strong enough to believe
I need to keep going when all hope seems lost
I need to be stronger to keep out the pain
Strong enough to believe in me
It's time for me to learn to trust somehow
I need to let people through the barriers
Let my heart back out and trust in myself
Stop worrying about choosing the wrong people
Let trust be earned
I need to stop my self hatred and see the truth
The mistakes in my past while there might be many
Do not define me, I've worked hard all my life
We all make choices unsure of the outcome
Your true character is revealed, when things go wrong
This year I promise to think of me
To love myself, because I never have
I will charish all the good that surrounds me
And use it to keep me safe from the darkness
Thats always trying to bring me back down
Be Braver, stronger, be myself, forget those who don't matter, hold on to everything good, stop trying to fix other people, let trust be earned, remember the mother you always wanted to be, move, save more money,be happier, dress pretty, and RELAX enjoy my life