It's Okay to Pass Go

And Time Goes By

There is one thing I learned as

passed fifty;

you can say almost anything

you damn well please

and people are not shocked.

(Unless, of course,

you do something like

call your boss a pork-faced idiot).

I find as I get older that the

environment surrounding me is,

in actuality, a zoo.

I am convinced that my boss

was dropped on his head as a baby,

though I admit he is now bright enough

that he doesn't approach me during

a hot flash moment.

I became aware, too, as I passed fifty,

that I am terribly frightened of

doctors who look like Doogie Houser.

During a recent medical crisis, I

watched Doogie write his blog

for the day,

which, no doubt, included an

old woman in her fifties

who is a pathetic hypochondriac.

Life is different now.

Policemen look like teenagers,

nobody likes Neil Diamond but me,

I'm the only one in my crowd who

displays a strobe light,

and I have a new love in my life -

my brand new designer varilux bifocals!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

...You go, Cracklin' Rosie!...

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