A Letter from Sarah

Like many of you, I have been writing for years. I have some published works, but mostly I write for my own pleasure. And I have often wondered if my words touch anyone in any significant way.

It was during the Christmas season a few years ago that I received an e-mail from someone who signed her name simply "Sarah." It was one of the most precious Christmas gifts I have ever received. Following is her message:


In going through my father's files, I noticed your address and poetry, and the fact that your poetry seemed to be very important to him. I note that he has collected your poetry for over two years. It is for this reason that I am writing to let you know my father passed away on December 6th after a long battle with cancer. I cannot find that he ever contacted you to express his appreciation and I believe he would have wanted me to let you know. your work must have given him some form of comfort in his last days. I know that he would have wanted me to write this personal note to you upon his death.

"And so, on behalf of my mother, my sister, and our family, we thank you and are all very gratified to know that you touched my father's life in such a beautiful way.

"Thank you for touching his life. And we wish you a happy holiday season.

Respectfully, Sarah"

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