Comfort Zone


Standing around, staring out

the conference room window,

watching a heron eat bugs

from clover that looks like grass.

Sitting through meetings

for a half day,

donut holes and muddy coffee

served by Countess Rubellina

wearing rose nail decals

and a diamond ring that

a receptionist cannot possibly afford.

But generally speaking, I think we

grown-ups have a lot of fun,

though, such as hurricane parties

in the face of impending death,

and staggering around drunk

at the office hallowe'en party dressed

like Madonna.

I'm not sure I agree with Forrest Gump.

Life is not always like a box of chocolates

where you never know what you're gonna get.

Take me, for instance, I just

punch out the bottoms of the chocolates

and know what I'm gonna get,

every time; sort of like

second-guessing the Creator.

I wonder if Madonna started out this way.

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