The Waters of Time


I look over the immeasurable

expanse of the gulf,

beholding its grace,

never taking for granted

its magic and mysteries.

Wading into vast Waters of Time,

captivated by warm foam,

there is no time to fear undertows,

the illusive perils.

I loved these waters,

perhaps even before birth,

the phosphorescent waves

pinnacled with unblemished hope.

I frame this image, never to forget

its purity, beauty, and peace.

These waters are the response

to my every emotion,

the shores where love entered my life

and beaches where I found healing

when love was gone.

Kissing the graciousness of the shore,

touching its white pearls,

I know the magic will remain

until the end of time,

when the angels will whisper my name,

and I will make my final flight

from this star-gleamed shore.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I loved these waters,
perhaps even before birth...

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