8 little letters

There is so much I would like to say, but for once words don't come easy. The hardest of those words are only 8 letters. "I love you". Yet it all comes down to those 8 letters. Why is it so hard? Because I am afraid you don't see that I mean it with all my heart and I have never meant these 3 little words as much as I mean them when I say them to you. Maybe my heart is wrong to love you, many would say so, but I can't help it. I feel something I have never felt before. When you are around, I feel whole. I feel completed like never before. You bring out the best in me and when I am with you, I like who I am for once. So why does this doubt linger? Why do I fear you won't love me back? I have been hurt so many times and I fear when the newness wears off you will see me for who and what I am. I'm afraid you'll open your eyes and see me as the older woman who's heart you stole. Then like so many before you, you will walk away and leave me whispering my 8 little letters just a little too late.

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