The Purrrfect Angel

Angel Pets

Kaidyn was born into the world on St. Patrick’s day. From the moment he was born his humans knew that he was different than most cats. Small and sickly he could not nurse from his mommy cat at all. Kaidyn would have died, but for the large warm hands that picked him up and gently held him until he began to form the strongest of all bonds. He never knew he was a feline, just that he was different looking than his humans. He had beautiful brown fur with black marbling and for some reason when he spoke a strange sound would come from his throat, it said MEOW instead of the words he meant to speak. . His mommy would tell him he was the purrrfect Bengal, whatever that meant. He knew he looked different from his mommy, but he was never treated different, he believed in his heart that he was a human and he was treated just that way. Kaidyn went everywhere with his mommy and when he outgrew his snuggle sack that his mommy made when he was little so he could hear her heart, mommy bought him his very own baby stroller and he loved his walks with his mommy! It was his special time and Kaidyn lived for those moments with his mommy.

Christmas was one of Kaidyn’s favorite times of year, but then came the year he just didn't feel right, he was excited because he just got a new baby stroller, but he felt very very sick and the bright light called his name. His mommy said he had to go to the vet, and deep down Kaidyn hoped that meant a stroller ride, but he knew it was cold out. Funny white stuff was falling from the sky and he remembered his mommy once took him out in it. He didn't like the funny white stuff because he was so very cold. In the bright light he could see his mommy Targa and his daddy Jack waiting. There was also a smaller spotted kitten. Kaidyn knew it must be none other than Takarra, his mommy’s very first Bengal that he had seen so many pictures of. He didn't know why they were waiting for him or why they said it was time to go home, but they all looked very happy to see him.

“I can’t come play right now. My home is here with my mommy! If I come play with you then she will be sad that I left her and I love my mommy!” Kaidyn insisted in his weak kitty voice.

“Kaidyn, listen to your mother, it’s time Kaidyn. You will love it here. We have unlimited catnip and toys and the keepers love us so very much. You will have unlimited food and fresh flowing water and here it is always summer so you can go on all the walks you want. I made your keeper promise to get you your very own stroller and it has your name engraved in gold! You will be able to watch your mommy and you can even send her a present when the time is right.” Targa pleaded with him, but it fell on deaf ears as Kaidyn was yowling in sorrow.


Kaidyn’s mommy knew he was dying, she could see it in his eyes and hear his yowls and she was sad, she didn't want to say goodbye but she knew it was time to. With tears streaming down her face, the vet said there was nothing they could do. She asked him to take away his suffering then knowing it was time for goodbye, wrapped him in her arms. Then she said her goodbye to her sweet baby, the last words his mommy would ever say to him.

“Kaidyn, it’s ok to go. Mommy knows you are suffering and that breaks my heart. I love you so very much and I will miss you more than words can ever say, but it is time to go play. There is a beautiful place called The Rainbow Bridge waiting for you. You’ll be with your sister Takarra and your daughter Sera and your cat mommy and daddy are also waiting for you. I promise I won’t be mad, Kaidyn, I just don’t want you to hurt any more,” she said with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her and wanted to say he was sorry she was sad, but no sound came out. His feline family surrounded him and the warm feel of the summer sun healed his body and soul. His mommy was right, it was beautiful here and there waiting was his keeper, a young girl named Azuradawn and she had a lovely wicker stroller with his name in gold just as Targa had promised him! Azuradawn had lovely blonde hair and the sweetest smile but something wasn’t right, she had huge bird wings and a giant ring floating above her head. It looked like the one his daddy wore on his finger before Kaidyn knocked it down the drain playing one day. Her voice was soft and ever so sweet and her eyes were a beautiful shade of green! He wanted to snuggle in her arms but he was outside! He was outside without a leash and he wanted to run wild for a change! He took off and headed into a beautiful forest of trees. He was free and happy and he felt like a young kitten again! Oh yes, Kaidyn was ever so happy to be here and yet he was sad because his mommy wasn't here with him. He slowed to a walk and looked around. Suddenly he was thirsty and he saw a giant drinking bowl he thought. As he walked to it, he saw his home on earth and a sad mommy crying as she stared at his picture.

“Oh Kaidyn I miss you so much! Why did they have to take you from me? Why on Christmas day?”

The hurt in her voice was strong and Kaidyn began to cry and he ran toward his mommy. Suddenly she was gone and he was WET Kaidyn hated being wet! He ran back to the edge of the water and sat down crying. He began digging in the sand hoping he could reach his mommy that way but all he got was dirty! Just then he felt someone sit beside him, he closed his eyes and pictured his mommy. He began to purr as warm arms held him close! Only his mommy rubbed his ears like that, he knew he must be back home and it was all a nightmare, so he opened his eyes and saw he was sitting in Azuradawn’s lap.

“Why can’t I be with my mommy? Was I bad?” Kaidyn asked sadly

“No Sweet Kaidyn, it isn't that at all. Your mommy will be ok and you can come here to Watcher’s Lake and watch her any time you want, but you can’t go back, I am so sorry.”

“Where am I?” Kaidyn asked, “And why can I only see my mommy? He walked back to the lake and there was his mommy crying in the fur of Zarek, his Siamese brother. “Look at how she cries! I just want my mommy to be happy, that is all.”

“ You are at the Rainbow Bridge. It is a place like Heaven just for the animals and us lucky keepers who care for you until your mommy joins you but your mommy will live a long life and someday she will be very happy. Sweet Kaidyn, someday she will look into the eyes of another cat and know you sent her that kitten to love, she loves you dearly and wants you to be at peace, pain free and most of all, she wants you to be happy. You see, she knew the day she saved you as a kitten that someday she would have to say goodbye to you. She knew she would hurt and she knew when it was time, she would also cry, but she loves you so very much that the years of memories are worth her heartache and pain. She knew she would miss you when the time came, but she also knew you wouldn't be with her forever and someday she would have to say goodbye. You see, you were on loan to her from the Light Keeper because Takarra knew your mommy hurt when she had to leave. Takarra asked the light keeper to send her a special kitty to heal the pain in her heart from loosing her and you my Sweet Kaidyn, you were her gift, but she healed and the light keeper had to call you home. He knew she wasn't hurting anymore and that you weren't supposed to be there any longer. You must trust the Light Keeper as he always gives the best. When you are ready to meet him I will take you there and you can ask him to send your mommy a present. One that she will know was from you, and one that will help her broken heart heal! Would you like that?”

“Oh yes, very much so! But what kind of gift can I send her?” Kaidyn asked jumping up and down with joy. “What would she want that only I can give her? And how soon can I send it”

Azuradawn smiled at Kaidyn and hugged him close. “You can send her whatever you want! Just make it a special gift because you only get one gift! Think about it and let me know when you are ready to meet the light keeper!”

Just then his daughter Seraphena and son Brandon came running up to him. “Daddy, Daddy! It’s true you are really here!” Brandon was so excited and Kaidyn remembered how mommy cried when his life was taken by a dog when he was 5 months old.

“Brandon?” Kaidyn asked not believing his eyes, “Is that really you? You are all grown up and so beautiful!” Kaidyn hugged him tight. “And baby Sera, you were only a month old when the water bowl claimed your life! Look at you now! You are so purrfect!”

“Yes, daddy it is really us! We have been playing with grandpa Jack and Grandma Targa,” Sera answered.

Kaidyn ran off to play with his children then who would have been nearly 3 years old on earth. A month passed and still Kaidyn did not know what to send his mommy. Every day he stopped to see her and every day he saw her missing him so much. He knew he had to send a gift and then one day he broke down crying to Azuradawn.

“I don’t know what to send her! I want it to be something special. I want to send her something so my stroller can no longer be empty. I need to see the Light Keeper now. I think it is time to send mommy a gift that she would know is only from me!”

"If you are ready, follow me, Kaidyn, and I will take you to The Light Keeper," Azuradawn said in her always sweet voice ass she led him far deeper into the woods than he had ever been before.

There on a throne of roses sat an older man who seemed to glow with love. Kaidyn know he must be The Light Keeper.Kaidyn sat on his hind legs in a pose his mommy had taught him whenever he met someone new. She called it sitting pretty and today Kaidyn wanted to be the prettiest cat of all. He knew what he was asking for was huge and he prayed with all his heart that The Light Keeper would grant him his request because he wanted only the best for him mommy.

"Kaidyn, I have been expecting you for awhile now.Are you ready to send your Mom a special kitten?"

"No sir. I don't wish to send her a kitten. I have sat and I have watched her and I remember my time on Earth well. My mommy always says no kitty will ever take my place, and I believe her, she loved me very much, far more than most humans love their pets, besides, she has 4 other cats to comfort her. I want to send my mommy a baby, a human baby who she can really love and care for like she did me, but I want her baby to be like no other on Earth. Can you send her a special baby that she will know is from me? I know just what she will want."

The Light Keeper reached down and pulled Kaidyn into his lap,"well now Kaidyn that is a special request. Are you sure your mommy wants a baby?"

"Yes sir. I heard her say it often when I lived on Earth and I saw her cry for one every year on the day that marked the birthday of the one she had when she was too young and did not keep. My mommy wants a baby more than anything else and I want to give her one to her liking. Please tell me you can help?"

"Well, I normally do not get these requests. There is another Light Keeper in charge of human souls, but if that is your wish, I will help you send your mommy a special baby from you."

Kaidyn smiled a huge kitty smile and began to think. "Well first of all, I want to send her a girl.She should be the cutest of all babies and have lots of hair for her mommy to brush."

"I can do that" the light keeper said.

"Also no tail on her. Mommy wouldn't like her baby to have a tail."

"Kaidyn, humans must have their tailbone," the Light Keeper tried to explain "otherwise they won't..."

"NO!" Kaidyn yelled. "I want only the best for my mommy!"

"Well this is your gift and if that is what you want, then then so be it..."

" Also the baby should have smaller faster legs so she can outrun the cats"

"Kaidyn, humans must be the right size, if her lower half is smaller she won't be..."

"NO this is my GIFT and I want only the best for my mommy!My back legs are smaller than my front legs and look at how fast I run!" With that he zoomed around the throne and up a tree.? I want only the best for my mommy!"

"Well this is your gift and if that is what you want, then then so be it..."

"She will be perfect for my mommy but I do have one special request, can she be born in October? Mommy knows how special Halloween was to me and I want her to be able to take her baby trick or treating like she used to with me!" Kaidyn was very excited as he knew his mommy would know then that this baby was a gift from him.

The light keeper granted him his wish, though he knew he shouldn't play with human souls. Kaidyn was just too irresistible to say no to.

Kaidyn was there at Watcher's Lake the day his mommy found out she was going to have a baby and when he saw her tears of joy, he was thrilled beyond words! And he was there the day she got the news that the baby was a girl but there were problems with her. The doctors said she had Spina Bifida and was missing her tailbone. Mommy cried and Kaidyn felt bad. He had only wanted the best for his mommy.

The day baby Savannah was born, kaidyn was there watching and surely enough baby Savannah was as cute as could be. Mommy looked up and whispered "Thank you Kaidyn, for my Beautiful Daughter!"

Kaidyn smiled then because he knew that his mommy finally had the baby she had always wanted, and even though her little girl was born with health issues , she was perfect in her mommy's eyes, just as once Kaidyn had been. What better gift could he have sent his mommy?

"You sent your mommy the perfect gift Kaidyn. Your mommy will never look at her daughter and not think of you. Truly you were the most loved Bengal ever." Azuradawn said as she rubbed his ears. Kaidyn ran off to play then. Content and happy for the first time since arriving at the Rainbow Bridge. Kaidyn knew in his heart his Mommy would always love him, but not as much as she would love her Purrrfect daughter!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is part 2 of a series of children's books I am writing

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