Not sure

Not sure anymore

I thought you loved me as much as I loved you.

I thought we had something beautiful and real.

A dream come true.

Not sure anymore

Don't know if it is worth the fight

I'm tired of the tears

And feeling like nothing I do is right.

Don't know anymore

I really want to stay.

 I love you with all my heart,

Too much to ever just walk away!

Just not sure how to fight for what is mine.

Not sure how to make you see me as you did before.

Not sure you still want me in your life another day

Thinking maybe I should just give up and walk out the door.

Don't know how to tell you what I feel

Don't know how to show you I still care,

Afraid of a future without you.

Not sure I ever want to go there.

So many doubts, but one thing will never change.

You hold in your hands my very heart

It's yours to cherish for as long as you love me

or if you leave it'syours to tear apart.

Don't know how to let go even less sure how to hold on

I know I love you and still want you in my life,

I know I don't want you to walk away and leave me alone.

I need you, whether it be as a friend, your lover or someday even your wife,

But I'm not sure it's worth all the fighting and tears

So I am leaving it up to you to decide if you still want me

If you can love me as much as I have loved you

Or if you just want to be free

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