For Kaidyn, Kimiko and Mayayna

For my furkids

I miss you everyday I am away.

I cry when no one else is looking

And slowly my heart breaks each day,

I am just not me anymore without you here

There is noone to make me laugh

There is no one for me to hold near.

There is no one to purr away my sorrow

There is no one to bring me a smile

No reason tolook forward to tomorrow

The three of you have been with me so long

It hurts knowing I can't have you with me.

A part of me is gone.

I know someday I will bring you home again I dream of that day

I just wish I knew when

Just know I will always love you even though I'm not there with you.

Know I miss you and long for the day I bring you home to me.

Somehow I will make it through

Someday I will hold my babies and pet their soft fur,

I will find my happiness again in your sweet purr.

My life will be perfect again the way it should be

I will nener take my babies forgranted

I didn't realize just how much you were a part of me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I guess somethimes you don't realize how much you love something until you loose it. This poem is about my three Bengal Cats, Kaidyn Makahne, Kimiko Tasmine and Mayayna Marie, They are my babies and I look forward to the day I get to bring them back home again, My life just isn't the same since I had to let them go.  Mommy loves you guys and I look forward to bringing you home as soon as Matt and I get on our feet and find jobs. Know I love you and I promise someday you will be back with me.

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