blind world

The world can't see
The love in my heart,
The smile on my face,
The million reasons why you make me so happy.
All they see are the years,
But age is only a number
They can't see the way they hurt us,
And we must never let them see our tears,
All I want is my future with you,
Long and happy as it should,
Dreams so real they melt my heart,
One heart joined from two.
I want to be your world now.
Even forever isn't long enough.
I love you with all my heart,
We'll make it against the odds somehow.
All we have to do is believe in the power of love,
Let our hearts lead our way,
Turn our backs on a world that turned their back on us.
Proove to the world what we are made of,
And in the end, we'll proove the world wrong,
We won't be another lost dream.
we have each other if nothing more,
We won't be just another love gone wrong.
The world may never see,
The world may never accept us as we are.
But age is just a number.
And we know we were meant to be.
The world won't stand in our way,
No matter how they try.
No matter what they do.
Our love is here to stay!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is for our family and friends who refuse to accept that Matt and I have found love against all the odds. I love you with all my heart Matt!

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