falling apart

I don't know how to hold on,

When I fear you are trying to let go.

I'm not even sure where it is all going wrong.

You are my everything-

Oh how I love you so.

Please don't leave me with nothing.

When I met you it was all a dream come true.

You are more than I ever asked for

I want a future with you.

I feel us drifting apart,

Like yould rather be somewhere else with someone else

I feel the breaking in my heart

Should I stay or should I go?

Will you hurt me as so many have before?

So many questions with answers I don't know.

I don't want to hurt in the end.

I'm not strong enough to fight my battles alone

I just can't do it all over again.

I love you with all my heart,

But I can't fix what I don't know is wrong.

I don't want us to fall apart.

Yet I don't know how to hold on.

When I fear inside you are trying to let go.

How will I start over when you are gone?

I made you my everything.

I gave you half my heart half my soul and all my love,

And now I fear I am leaving with nothing.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Love you Matt and I hope we still have a happy future.

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