My treasure


How can I say the words that explain how much you mean to me?

You are my sunrise in every morning,

You are my sunset each night.

You are my stars shining so bright.

For all the wrong I have in my life

For all my mistakes so real,

I can't help but think I'm the lucky one.

You bring me so much happiness and fun.

You were my hope when life seemed hopeless,

You were my dreams when my knights were filled with nightmares.

You've stood beside me where lesser men would have walked away.

You gave me a future when I didn't even want another day.

I can't offer you anything more than the love in my heart and soul.

I hope that will be enough for now.

If I could I'd give you diamonds and gold too

But my only treasure in this world is you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my baby Matt. You are my life!

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