The Garden


In the garden of doom
No life can sustain-
No flowers can bloom.
Only the black rose of death lives here,
So beautiful, blood dripping from her thorn.
Her pedals falling one by one,
Of her, death and sorrow are born,
So says the circle of life.
On one leaf is a butterfly,
But this butterfly is dying,
Her broken wings won't let her fly
Her broken heart won't let her live.  
nearby is a lonesome dove,
The dove is crying for the world
She should be filled with the songs of love,
But instead she sings a sad melody.
A fading rainbow ends at the garbage can,
For the Garden of doom has no pot of gold,
There is no get rich quick here for the damned,
And no leprechaun to protect it's treaquaasure so rare.
A unicorn roams wild and free,
Only the purest heart can tame her,
But that will not be,
For here only evil grows.
A weeping willow weeps,
Crying for a nourishing sun that long ago abandoned this place.
This dark lonelines, shr seeps,
Gloom spreads across every rock,
And there, under the tree, she sits, the queen of the garden,
It was once said she had a heart of pure gold
Her garden was her pride and joy
Then her king ran away never again to be seen.
And the queen cares for her garden no more
Her tears have cast a dark shadow of gloom.
Her sorrow the final straw
Now death awaits here, here in the garden of doom.
Welcoming the lost and lonely who come.

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