You make me happy


You make me happy,
You fill my heart with hope.
When I'm with you I can just be me,
Not the sad hollow shell I've been for so long.
With you I smile,
With you I laugh,
I want to linger here just for awhile,
And try not to remember that I don't belong here.
Part of me is scared to let you in my heart
Part of me knows it's too good to last
All for fear the that it will all fall apart.
And yet, you make me happier than I ever dreamed could be.
Sometimes I wonder if it is real,
Or if you are just a sweet lingering dream,
But for each hour we steal,
You make me happier than I thought I'd ever be.
I don't want this feeling to go away,
You are like the summer's warm sun on my frozen heart.
For this to be more, I hope and pray.
I don't want to go back to my numb existence.
With you I am happy,
The years of rejection and loneliness seem worth while.
When I'm with you, you bring out the best in me
Not the sad hollow shell I thought I I was trapped in.
You make me laugh and smile,
You fill my heart with joy and love.
If only I could stay like this just for awhile.
I fear you are a dream that, in the morning, will fade away,
Too good to be real, too good to last,
I fear you'll see my broken soul someday,
Then like the rest, you'll walk away, taking my newfound happiness with you.

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