Alone in Love

Where is the man who once held me close to him?
Where is the one who shared dreams of forever?
What happened to a world where it was us against them?
Once you stood proudly at my side,
Never afraid to trust me with your heart.
When did it all change or was it just that you lied?
Now it seems I'm alone in love,
Fighting for what used to be,
Holding onto a past that you have let go of.
I'm sorry you don't want what you used to,
It doesn't change a thing.
I'm still me, are you still you?
Does your heart still care?
Does your soul still long for my touch?
I'm still here, why can't you be there?
Why do you push me away?
Why do you make me push back?
Can't you see that I want you to stay?
I love you, it's all I've ever dreamed of.
You say you love me and want me in your life as your wife=
Yet it feels like I'm the one who is alone in love.

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