Lonely Heart

How can I make you see in my dark and lonely heart?
The pain that lurks there is my evil.
I can not love even when I try.
My dreams always fade to black and die.
Once, I thought you were my hope,
I thought you might be my sunlight.
The one who would set me free and show me a new life,
But once again my world is as black as a moonless night.
If you want to leave, then go.
I won't make you stay if you don't love me.
I've had more years than I had a right to.
but I know one of us needs to be happy.
Go with my blessing and start your life over.
If there ever comes a time when you want me again, then I will be here,
I can''t pretend it hurts to watch you walk away
I love you and I hope you'll always hold that dear.
Once you were my everything,
Once you were everything happy I knew,
You made every wrong right again
My every dream come true.
Upon the sea of sorrow you kept me afloat
You were my sun in the rain
My rose in the snow
My shield against life's harshest pain
But if you're unhappy, then I won't make you stay.
We've had more years than I dared ask for,
You've given my more happiness than I dreamed was possible,
And I know I'll love you forever.
May your life lead you to your field of dreams.
May you never look back with regret,
I loved you and I don't want to let go yet.
But I can't make you stay if you don't want to be here.
I'll make it somehow on my own
I'll forge a new life built on regret and pain,
For you were the only happiness I have ever known.
You were my very heart and soul,
You were my fairytale prince in a the most beautiful story ever told
I guess I should have known it was too good to be real.
As once again I watch the nightmare of my life unfold

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Good bye Josh!  I'll never forget you

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