Run Away

For my furkids

I think of you, cold and alone,
I wonder if you got lost,
Or simply didn't want to come home.
I think of you, scared and lost out there,
Where will you go now? who will love you if not me?
Just know that I am missing you somewhere.
I think of you, hungry and wet,
I call out your name over and over,
Your sweet memories I'll never forget.
I'd give anything to bring you home to me,
To get one last purr, one more kiss.
I fear for what might be.
I miss you my little run away,
Where will you sleep?  Where will you eat?
You are a spoiled house cat, not a stray.
I think of you, cold and alone,
I wonder if you got lost,
Or simply didn't want to come home.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my sweet Kianna who disappeared on this cold rainy night.  She did come back, but at the time, I feared she never would.

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