Beside You

For my furkids

I laid my heart to rest beside you,
I said good-bye to all my dreams-
I tried to dry my tears, still they fall-
Life has lost it's meaning it seems.
My sweet baby girl, I know you are gone,
I know you'll never get to come home again.
Part of me will always question why God took you from me,
Why a life so short had to end.
When I remember you, I'll think of our good times-
I'll remember your purr-
I'll see the mischief in your eyes,
And in my memories, I'll stroke your soft fur.
Whenever I hold another Bengal close, I'll always think of you,
When I see the wild spots, I'll remember how we used to play,
I'll think of how you'd growl as you stole my food,
And I'll always wish we could have had just one more day.
I laid my soul down to die beside you,
Yet my body has lived on.
Numb and empty is my heart.
For even after all this time, I can't believe you're really gone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my baby girl Takarra.  Mommy misses you so much!

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