I miss you

For my furkids

You can't pet a picture,
Or cuddle a memory,
You can't hold on to what is gone,
You can only set your dreams free.
Sometimes when I miss you, I cry.
I miss your purr,
I miss your growl,
I miss rubbing your sort fur.
I miss you waking me with meows and kisses,
It's at these times I wonder how I go on,
If only I had told you I loved you one last time.
My list of regrets are long.
If only we had snuggled one more time
If only I had taken the time to play,
If only life weren't so busy and rushed,
If only you hadn't went away.
I'm sorry for all the times we lost,
I took you forsaken,
All the memories we never got to create,
The regrets of how your life was taken.
You can't pet a picture,
Or cuddle a memory,
You can't hold on to what is gone,
You can only set your dreams free.\
But with good bye there comes a broken heart,
There comes tears as I lay alone late at night.
I miss your purr, I miss your growl
Sometimes, I even miss your playful bite.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my Takarra Tola

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