Angel Kitten

For my furkids

Without you, this house just isn't a home.
I miss your tiny meow and ever so soft purr,
I miss you running across the room, jumping in my lap,
I miss you demanding I stroke your fur.
Your food dish is now empty,
But so is my heart.
Your favorite mouse is no longer played with,
All these do is remind me that we're apart.
The other cats miss you,
Mew waits by the door,
He doesn't understand that you can't come home,
So he sits and waits some more.
Gemini cries out for the one she though of as her daughter,
She didn't care that you were a Bengal, not a Siamese,
She loved you with everything in her.
She looks at me as if to say,"bring Takarra home, please."
My heart is empty,
I still cry for you in the dark of the night,
My world had been turned upside down because you are gone.
Without you, nothing feels right.
Your God's Takarra now,
I guess God needed you more than I.
May you forever sit in His lap and purr,
My angel kitty in the sky.
This is good-bye, but not forever.
Someday I'll join you in the sky above and we'll be together again
Until that moment, run wild and free,
Forever playing in the fields of Heaven.
When the time comes, I'll hold you in my arms with joy.
I'll kiss your sweet head and stoke your soft fur.
I'll tell you how much I've missed you.
And all the Heaven I'll need will be in your soft, sweet purr.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my beloved Bengal, Takarra Tola.  I love you and miss you, my angel. Mommy's so sorry for what happened.  Your life was way too short and it never should have ended the way it did.  Please forgive me my angel. Wait for Mommy on the Rainbow Bridge.  Someday we'll be together again.

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