
Lost Love

For reasons I don't quite understand,
For mystreies unknown,
For dreams lost in the night,
And the wrongs that can't make a right.
For questions unanswered,
For hopes dashed,
For the love I thought I knew,
And a heart that is breaking in two.
Tonight I am alone,
Regretting the words bitterly spoken,
And the words I never let you know,
Wondering in my heart if I should stay or go.
My heart says one thing, my mind another.
For memories that haunt, and moments once lost.
For hearts that roam free and wild,
For the silly abandoned dreams from when I was a child.
For all the secrets kept,
And stolen moments in the night,
So many lies told.
How quickly nightmares unfold.
For questions with no answer,
And dreams lost in the night.
For reasons I can't explain,
We're both hurting because of love's little game

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