Sweet Siamese

For my furkids

What is sweeter than Siamese?
They love to sit on laps-
They love even more to climb trees.
They love to say hi-
And they'll tell you all about their life,
But they hate when you say good-bye.
I wonder just what it is she has to say-
"I caught a bird this morning,"
"Or I killed 3 mice today.'
"I'm sorry I scratched up your chair."
"Is that your good black dress?"
"I'm sorry about all the hair."
"Is that steak for me?"
"May I have some chicken too?"
"Can I have a drink of your tea?"
"I'm sorry I broke your favorite vase-"
"You know I love that spot on the table,
"You really should have put it in some other place."
Have you ever seen a cat prettier than me?"
"Will you pet me some more?"
"I love you , Mommy."
What is more talkative than a Siamese?
They love to tell you all about their day,
But you'll never hear a Siamese say please.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my beautiful Seal Point Siamese Gemini Ambinkka.

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