

Crimson are the tears my soul bleeds.
A thousand screams echoing in the night-
Dreams lost forever in a time I have not been to-
Hearts bleeding for what once was.
Crimson blood dripping from a black rose-
Thorns that betray the beauty-
Death that lurks in the ground-
Awaiting your lonely touch.
Crimson rivers flowing though the veins.
Precious is that I drain.
The sweet life- gone forever.
Sweeter still is my victory.
Crimson thoughts brewing in my evil brain-
Life is only precious if it's stolen in the night.
My fangs will bleed you dry.
Crimson rivers flowing down my chin.
I must not waste a drop.
I lick you off my lips-
Sink back into the dark hell form witch I came-
There I await for my next victim.
His life just as disposable as your.
Crimson sheets upon I lay.
Reminders of yesterday.
Once my love, once my salvation.
Now you've become just another meal.
Dinner of a vampire who only dreams in crimson.

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