Haunted Love

Close your eyes-
Picture me there next to you.
Feel my love and know my heart is never far away.
Love me if you must-
Dream of me if you will,
But never dare to posses me.
For I am like the wind,
You don't see me, you can't touch me
Yet you know I'm near.
I'm like a wild animal-
No cage can confine me.
No love can tame me.
And like a unicorn-
I exist only in your dreams-
A hope that isn't real.
So close your eyes-
Lay down your sweet head.
For in the morning I will be gone.
I'll fly away like a bird.  
My wings will carry me home.
You won't remember my name-
Yet I'll forever be etched in your heart.
The ghost of your dreams-
Forever haunting your soul.

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