
I laughed when I should have cried-
And cried when I should have laughed.
I took each moment for granted And found nothing waiting in the end.
I loved those I should have let go-
And let go of those I should have loved.
I trusted my heart to lead my way.
And found myself on a dead-end road.
I forgave when I should have forgot.
And forgot when I should have forgave.
I let the little moments in life pass me by,
Only to find that it's too late to stop and smell the roses in December.
I loved those I should have hated,
And hated those I should have loved.
I reached out my hand to those long after they were gone.
And found myself slowly sinking in the seas of sorrow.
I trusted those who betrayed.
And betrayed those I should have trusted.
I lost faith when I should have believed.
And found a cruel angry world staring back at me.
I smiled when I was sad,
And frowned when I was happy.
I locked away all the good inside me,
And found all the bad was set free.
So many times I took for granted moments I should have stopped and treasured,
I let go of those closest to me.
I found myself alone in a world that wouldn't care if I didn't.
I found that we have to make our own happiness,
For each moment we loose is a moment gone forever.

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