

The beginning of a dream-

So unreal it's hard to believe I'm awake.

Every time I look in your eyes I wonder if you are real.

Or just an angel in my dreams.

My heart races,

My pulse quickens.

The smile on my face says it all.

I'm headed for a fall.

I have no fear.

I hope I'll never have any regrets.

I hope you are for real.

For if not then surely I will die.

I love you.

Never forget these words.

I don't know where our path will lead.

But in my heart you've planted a seed.

Take my hand and lead the way.

Show me the path of glorious love.

make right all the wrongs of my yesterdays.

So happiness is all I can recall

And if tomorrow I awake to find you gone.

Then I'll know that you were but a dream.

So unreal it's hard to believe I'm awake.

So sweet I pray it isn't fake.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Josh

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