The Last Mouse

For my furkids

When the last mouse is played with
And the last cat tree climbed,
We find it in our hearts to say good-bye.
We often do this not knowing why.
Did God need a cat to love?
If so, why mine?
One last purr as we part,
Tears speak the words of the pain in my heart,
There will never be another like you.
Your soft blue eyes and ever so sweet purr.
May the catnip fields of heaven greet you,
May the silver lined clouds be ever so soft in the skies of blue.
There are no words to say goodbye to the times we had,
I'll miss you my little one.
I'll miss your sweet purr,
I'll miss petting your ever so soft fur.
I'll miss waking up to your meow,
I'll even miss your ferocious growl.
My life won't be the same without you,
My heart will always be just a little empty,
You will be the missing piece of me,
The longing that will always be.
My soul will forever carry a scar,
The badge of my love for you,
But I don't really mind the pain-
I carry it knowing without you life will never be the same.
I know we'll meet again,
When my time here is up.
I'll hold you and pet your soft fur,
Then I'll find my peace and Heaven in your sweet purr.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for my baby  Gemini.  Mommy misses you.

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