My Grandma's Hairspray

There is a particular object which reminds me of my beloved grandmother. This object is a simple hairspray can bottle.  For my grandmother her youth is the most valuable thing that she has ever got. She is always showing me her old photos of herself singing on the stage. My grandmother was a singer, a really good singer. My grandma has been a singer since she was 13 years old. Since then she dedicated her life to singing. I remember that my grandma told me that everyday since the morning she have always prepared herself for work. She showered, she wore makeup and the thing that could not miss was her hairspray bottle. (Surprisingly she still does the same routine as before) Then she would take a taxi to the studio where she worked. Then she directed to the backstage and apply more hairspray. She did say that her hair was important to be perfect. Even though she did know that her beloved hairspray bottles destroys the planet, it seems she did not care at all. She just wanted to look pretty. When her hair was ready it meant she was ready to perform. As she appeared on the stage the men around her were astonished with her beauty and her voice. As she was telling me this I could see her eyes glitter and her smile got wider. She was filled with joy and emotion. Maybe the reason of why my grandma still uses hairspray is that she doesn’t want to forget her golden days. The days that were full energy and emotion. The days where she needed to work hard to succeed in life. This is what I will always love of my grandmother. Her strong will and determination. It is funny that my mother says that I have both of those things too. For me is not surprising at all since we came from the same family. Nowadays her life has gotten more tough than before. Not so long ago my grandfather passed away, and my grandmother is not getting any younger. She knows that. I know that. It is important to her to keep enjoying what life has to offer and seize the day. Now my grandma does not sing anymore. Her voice is tired and scratchy. Maybe that was the reason that she almost cried when I was singing in a recital. After that day I realized that I remind her when she was young and that she is proud of her grandson. Even though I know that my grandma is destroying the planet slowly with the exaggerated amount of hairspray bottles she is using, I’m proud to say that I still love her.

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