
The heart within pumps
The rich red royal fluid
And your body machine functions
Your creative, expansive mind
Concocts formulae
Deciding how your body organism
Finds sustenance, enjoyment
And most of all avoids pain

The dreamer, you, perceive, create
As you build, block by block
To accomplish
To reap rewards
As you move
Ship, build, design, experience
On a higher plateau

You do this within the framework
Knowledge acquired
Reap the reward
Beautifying your nest
Dress fashionably
And end each day accomplished
Proud to the point
Of ignored acceptance

Yet strip all clothing
Wealth – all materialistic
Right to the naked bone
Your total stored mental reservoir
Your intellect, your acumen
Like the youthful wise hermit

Now, like a savior in sheepskin
Gather your companion
The echo “What is life all about?”
Sex, debauchery, procreation
Or our collective wisdom
Our attitude towards harmony, friendship
Local and world peace
A sensibility to friend and foe

Yep – platitudes, platitudes
Our ego sparkles and blind
Our lust driven bodies
Enter the arena of flesh
Gleaming immediate status faction
While the nuclear bomb is waiting

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