daily show..... 21Dec04



do you know how hard it is to go on writing without asking a question? where do they come from? how come they never go back to where they originated? must they lurk and grow and stay forever? since when do answers fly so far? are answers so simple that they are light enough to careen through the air? does that mean i overanalyze everything? don't you realize i'm just writing for the sake of it? can you hear the strain in my voice from all this tension? what on earth am i going to get them for Christmas? Is X really the Greek abbreviation for Christ? Am i the only one who thinks Merry X-mas sounds relatively degrading? Have you any idea how fun this is? Do you think i could make a career out of this? would you pay money to read this weekly? Okay, maybe monthly? What would you want to hear about? Travels? Adventures? "what is the meaning of life" questions? Theater? Music? Movies? Sports? I can't do sports, all right? Did you know that i am the queen of both grammar and trivial tidbits? Don't you just love Ken Jennings? Wasn't he simply marvelous? do i hear a waltz? are you proficient at memorizing lines? can you recite a 3 hour movie? have you ever seen Julie Andrews in anything but the Sound of Music? Don't you wonder if the first person who cut a woman's hair short was named BOB? Is it cold in here? How one Earth do you remember how to change Celsius into Farenheit? Let's not mention Moore, okay? Any reason why my tooth hurts now, but not when i'm at the dentist? will someone explain this to me? wait, do you know what i'm talking about? just anything, explain anything, would you mind? why doesn't everyone like to read? don't you enjoy it immensely? what better way to gain knowledge can you think of? am i the only one who'd rather listen to the radio than watch tv? but oh, have you seen The Hours? THAT'S a fantastic movie, no? Are you finding this amusing? I'll write more later, deal?

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