My sister's rock collection

My oldest sister had the strange obsession of collect rocks. She always demonstrated her ability with numbers and science. Since she was child she was always collecting rocks from the parks, from the garden, from the school, from anywhere she was. Those rocks meant a lot for her. She used to think that every rock had a different composition that made each rock special and unique. In the room she had there were rocks in everywhere; on the ledge of her bed, in the closet, next to the TV, anywhere. When she travelled the only thing she used to buy for souvenir were rocks. When it was her birthday the only thing she wanted for present were rocks. When she had her graduation from elementary school and high school the only thing she wanted for present were rocks. Those rocks represent her childhood in a strange way, most of the kids liked to buy games or toys but my sister was strange in that way, she only wanted rocks. When she invited friends to come to our house, she was always watching her friends to be sure that the rocks were safe. She was always cleaning the rocks in order to make them shine. She used to think that if a rock loses its shine immediately would lose its beauty. She bought a holder for any rock she had. She didn’t like the idea of having a rock without a holder because she believed that every rock was different so, every rock needed to be placed with a unique holder. The rocks that are mentioned here were in our house for at least 10 years. When she turned 15 she realized that rocks were only rocks, of course they are beautiful in many ways but she thought that her strange obsession with rocks meant only one thing; she wanted to be engineer. Therefore, she decided that she wanted to study industrial engineering. It is funny how a simple obsession or collection for something can demonstrate what people like, what people love, and what people want to be. The obsession that my oldest sister had with rocks demonstrates that she has always loved science. She had an obsession with the composition of each rock what it means, even when she didn’t know, that she wanted to be a scientific or an engineer. This is an amazing lesson for me that I must pay attention on the things I love to do, the things I love to buy and the things that I love to see, maybe there is a surprise inside of those things. 

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