Is it wrong for angels to fly?
When humans are without wings.
Should they be restricted to the ground?
Made to walk among their less glorified counterparts?
My smiles are quickly fleeing
When I know others live with frowns
Do I deserve peace when I have not earned it?
Because I was born into priviledge?
It never felt right to celebrate
When others live in constant sorrow.
My days are spent wishing I could have the wings of angels
When others wish they could have my daily bread
My respect goes to those with nothing
That live like they have everything
My castle in the sky cannot compare
To their castle in the sand
They are those with the ultimate possession
More Valuable than gold
More precious than diamonds
Happiness is what they want
And happiness is what they have
So I resent my circumstance
And try to stand taller
Yet my melancholly still haunts me
For that is just who I am