
Her heart pure,

Her touch as gentle as the sunlight upon my face.

Her eyes like bitterseet chocolate,

And her smile like the perfect beacon.

She radiates warmth and love,

She holds me with her voice,

She moves comically,

Making a pratfall just to make me laugh.

I get lost not in her skin,

But in her youth.

I am surrounded not by her MAD magazine collection,

But by her laughter.

I am hard pressed,

Not to bathe myself in her love,

She is so nurturing and sweet,

And she gives Abby "Pooh Hugs" like a Hershey's kiss.

I find myself,

With her living in my heart,

And I never even knew I had let her in.

She is the optimistic advocate who pleads your case,

And by which, she makes everyone accountable,

To be better people.

She makes me stand up and take notice,

Not just of injustice,

But how the world spins so queerly,

And moves more towards what it hates,

Than anyone cares to see.

I am lucky to love her,

She is my heart, my love, my song.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To: ADY.
I love you so much and can't wait until March of 2008.  Your forever in my heart.  

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