
My life can be a drama,


    Creating, thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions.

I am unzipped,

My life pouring out of the pores of my mind.

Opening like a chasm

Beyond boundaries that hold my vulnerability within…

    Waning to unyielding…






Everyday, it lies just below the surface…

         Molten like Magma…

         Pressuring upward with violence…

         Constantly seeking expulsion.

It’s all there before you to witness…

         When I walk down the street,

         When I purchase my groceries,

         When I sit in a café drinking my coffee.

If you’d only take the time to start a conversation…

To say “hello”,

Then you would see….sit astonished…

By my Power of Resilience

By my Determination to survive,

By my Hunger to Explore and Learn all of me…

By my Desire to simply be…

In your presence,

Having a conversation that matters…

If you’d only take the time to look beyond,

If you’d only talk to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Persons with mental illness get marginalized...I'm not sure what gives some of us "away" or what others fear...but we are all human just seeking another soul to talk to, to be believed, to hold in spiritual communion, to be a friend, revered.

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